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Watcher In the Woods

File no. MFA.E-2039-██████████

A new, potentially anomalous, entity was spotted near the Polish side of the Kaliningrad border over the last week. The following are the collected documented sightings of this entity. Be advised: it is not currently clear how it chooses its victims.


Police Report, Gdańsk:

On August 29th of 2015, Lilia Burska reported that a tall gray-skinned individual had been spotted looking into the window of her apartment. Police follow-up indicated that while Ms. Burska's apartment was on the 7th floor of her building, there were not only confirmations that someone had climbed up the fire escape, but additional eyewitness testimony indicating that the gray-skinned individual was present outside Ms. Burska's window several previous nights. This information was not known to Ms. Burska. We will establish a police presence outside the building and attempt to catch the suspect in the act.


Transcription of a video uploaded on August 31st, 2015 to a popular video-sharing site:

NOTE: The video was scrubbed from the internet almost immediately, and a copy was retained for our records. The video's original uploader could not be tracked down.

The video is a "tourist trap warning" style video, showing various money changer scams and parts of Gdańsk to avoid for safety reasons. Anomaly E-2039 appears in the background at the four minutes and seven seconds mark. It is then present in the background of all future shots.

04:07 - The video subject is explaining how a foreign currency exchange kiosk is offering unfair rates to customers. The glass of the building he stands in front of is reflective, and a gray-skinned individual wearing a gray robe and hood is seen staring into the camera through the reflection. The video subject either does not notice this or chooses to ignore it.

05:13 - The video subject has moved to a cafe and is seated. The gray-skinned individual is this time seen fully, standing directly behind the video subject. The video subject begins to recommend the cafe for offering fair prices to both tourists and city residents. A number of cafe patrons are moving around in the scene background, and two pass through the space occupied by the gray-skinned individual as though it was not present.

07:45 - The video subject is not present. The setting is unusual, seeming to be in a nearby forest. The gray-skinned individual is looking down at the camera, which appears to be near the ground. Coughing and wheezing is heard in the audio background. The video continues like this for 17 more minutes before ending.


Report from Major Daniels of Mortfield Industry’s security forces - September 9th, 2015

"Our higher-ups will probably disagree, but I think my team is being followed. A weird grey guy is hunched over just on the edge of my vision. When I go to face the guy, he's gone. Kochanski says we're being paranoid, but I think some idiot is tracking us. Lewis and Jury agree with me, so we're setting a trap for this thing.

I'm gonna send this report over the radio just on the off chance that we're screwing up majorly out here. This far outside of the Kaliningrad exclusion zone, and I usually feel pretty safe, but there's some scary stuff in these woods. We're sixteen miles south by southwest of Gdańsk. We had reports of an old Soviet experiment in these woods that was unrelated to this grey guy, but I'm willing to bag two monsters for the price of one.

There he is. First time I'm seeing it head-on. It's vaguely shaped like a person, but something is definitely off. It's looking straight at me and not moving.

Okay, the rest of the team says it's looking at them. Must be some sort of weird anomalous effect. If it won't come any closer then I guess I gotta take it by force. Lew, Jury, take him."

*The sound of multiple gunshots is heard*

"Shit. Kochanski's hit! Keep firing!"

*More gunshots are heard*

"Lew! Stop firing! Stop firing!"

*Another gunshot is heard, and the radio transmission ends*


All 4 members of Major Daniel's team were found dead from gunshot wounds in the woods just outside of Gdańsk. These wounds appeared to be inflicted by friendly fire. Speculation on Anomaly E-2039’s capabilities would indicate that it watches subjects until such time that they attack, and then those attackers find themselves injured in whatever manner they attempt to harm the anomaly. More research is ongoing.


Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian

Michael Lee-Graham

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