A Place That No One BuiltAlthough the Stádlec House's form place it in the era of Stalinist architecture, you will not find anyone who remembers when it was built.
Cellar, CellarA paranormal parlor game intended for children. If specific conditions are met, it results in the production of an extradimensional space.
Wanted Bread or AliveAnomaly is a nomadic predatory bakery. Anomaly presents as a small French style patisserie operated by a tall man. The man does not exist...
A Hundred-thousand LegsAnomaly affects Holden, an isolated small town in South Dakota. The town has been fully encapsulated in a dome composed of spider-silk.
Word of MouthAn unknown creature had been spotted wandering Giżycko's abandoned streets - possibly mundane in nature. This turned out not to be the case.
ShardsRazor-thin humanoid entity, consisting of a chaotic assemblage of glass panels that change in configuration with its movement.
DrowningThe anomaly only appears to be the structure of a well. It is not made up of constituent parts like a stone wall would normally be.
PrecipiceAn endless expanse of darkness, accessible through a door which formerly led to Research Site ███’s 4-floor Research and Development wing.